I bought aviator with disk brake version on 28th sep 08. after a lot of thinking ive purchased this one. b4 purchasing it ive considered access & activa. I think for city riding no diff. is there btw 100 & 125cc. what is important i.e fuel efficiency and riding control & comfort. rt now I cant make ne comments on mileage but if u ask me abt riding exp.
I think it is d best in this category. for ladies if u r not atleast 57 better to forget it. what I did not like i.e looks. I think activa is better than aviator if u consider only looks. even Ill give more points to activa for space for keeping feet with goods. but except these aviator is much much better than activa & access. and abt mileage ill tell u later as Im not in position 2 make comments rt now. but if u ask me is it worthy 2 buy. My answer is as simple as it is yes.