Well I did Buy a Honda Aviator about 2 years now n clocked nearly 7000kms on it .. Was Gonna settle for a Dio before it but for some reason fell For this bike.. settled for Honda as d quality and durability of parts are way better than the other local brands .. Was in a lil dilema as to go for an activa which was very popular or d sporty Dio .. but after a test drive of this baby went in for it.. the front telescopic suspensions make a lot of difference when driving .. True comfort and more d load on it .. the softer is d rear suspension over d bumps and holes.. Has a great advantage because of d luggage carrying capacity.. and nothing like d smooth response of its throttle !!!
Have Made a long trip of 200kms at a stretch and touched a consistent speed of 80-90 on d highway .. trust me no Vibrations .. or any other hitches like smoky exhaust etc .. Pure driving comfort .. was like a rat zippin on d highway among all d trucks and cars .. yes to save on d mileage part u need to do speeds of 40-50.. to achieve an avg of 5okm/l ..
The only problem I faced and many will face is about the starting it doesnt instantly start.. well guys do not worry about it .. u need to tell ur service guy to clean its Spark plug frm time to time .. that done .. the bike is back to instant starting again ..
Yeah another n a major Issue about it .. is D way People Can steal Fuel from ur bike !!!!! .. if u observe the seat when locked can be easily raised and a person gets access to the fuel tank cover .. I would use my bike to travel to the stn n park it ther and after a week I realised my mileage was considerabily low.. around 10-12 which was impossible :(( .. then later saw d seat on locking back seemed open slightly and then got the picture abt the fuel tank beign easily accesible .. if only that coulsd have a locking cap system like d bikes then it would solve that issue .. But for riding and comfort and mileage too.. this bike does it all .. I own d 102cc version d improved 110cc is a big step better .. Hope this is valuable n informative to all u readers !!! take care!!