I bought Honda Aviator Drum model with Engine No#JF21E_, Chasis No#ME4JF21_ and registration no#TN07-BH_ on 2nd June 2010 from KUN Honda, Adyar. From the day one itself I was the victim of poor servicing. From the day one itself my two wheeler had an oil leakage problem from its engine, I had to give my vehicle three times to get it corrected which was a very bad experience for me. Sorry can not be a solution always, but I assumed it as exceptional case and forgot the complete incident.
Till date my scooter has run about 7000KM, with an avg of 26km milage. It is like a elephant, eats more.
However as of today I have completed five services(four free services and one paid service.). Every time discovered and noted their carelessness and ignorance about the servicing including repeated complaints which they register wile taking the vehicle for servicing.
I have the following complaints:
- Last Saturday July 2, 2011 I have given my aviator for servicing, I mentioned and demonstrated the problem which I am facing after 1st servicing, I mentioned that it is a repeated complaint since my first servicing and I have yet to get a permanent solution to this. After servicing this issue comes back with in 1-2wks. This time I have given it for servicing on Saturday and I started facing the same issue from Tuesday July 5, 2011 onwards.
Problem detail: Engine gets off/dies in the neutral position, so in each traffic signal my engine dies with in 10-20second after halting. If I start and do not accelerate, in that case also engine gets off with in 10-20second.)
Observation as On July 8, 2011(6days from servicing): Fifth July onwards I am facing the same issue, now it gets off with in 1-2min, some times even in seconds.
Service guys do not follow the instruction for servicing(which is written in the back side of the free service coupons); if they followed I would not have got the problem again and again.
They don’t wash the vehicle properly; they don’t put the oil properly. I remember next day after my second servicing, I was not able to insert the key into my aviator as they did not put the oil into the lock. So I had to drag my bike to the service center next day.
Headlight strength is poor, so can not drive at night.
Had to replace battery after 5th service.
Airfilter had to replace after 5th service, after my complaint no 1.
So, be ready for the poor service, if you are going with Honda.