I bought this bike in Nov 2012 for Rs 52000 was happy and excited because it was my 1st bike.
Initially the performances was good. The average given by the bike was very good around 60 km/litres of petrol.
But as time passed, this bike has been a big pain in my a** . Every now and then theres some problem or the other with the engine and its parts. The average has also gone down to about 40 km/litres. Last month my bike didnt start at all. I got it serviced and got a bill of Rs 8000 as the crank and the engine were destroyed. Since then I have been regretting why I bought this bike.
Carburetor has been changed 5 times in 2 yrs.Dont know what the problem is! Even the engine is of less power(109cc). Also the services by all Honda stations in India is very poor. Wherever u go u will face problem with Honda service. They dont change the oil properly.
Overall very bad experience!