I bought this bike on 13 April 2010. Its a pretty good bike though its lacking something. It has a bulky body though it is not matched with the engine capacity. Look is grate and fuel consumption is less. You can ride 70+ with 1 ltr of petrol. But there is a matter to worry. Because of its thin tire it skids usually when u press your brake hard. Its so light weight that if you take a turn with good speed there is a good chance to slip it down.So careful about the turning. I have rode almost 8000km with this motorcycle and I found that in spite of high pick up you will see lots of bike leave u while you r running. I am not at all satisfied with this bike. And I almost forgot to say. You will not get good resell value for it.
But if you see this bike in the angle of 110cc this bike is best in this segment.