Hello friends this is Mr.Patil from Mumbai.My first review for my red color twister...
Twister the Story begins....
Month 1- I bought red color twister from V J Honda showroom(on road 52K).Very stylish to ride catch everyones attention.
#Good sitting position
#Smooth Gear shifting
#Good pickup of course only rider not with pillion
Month 2 & 3: Drive only in city limits with 500km cross on metre.
#Average given 50kmpl
#Servicing done Showroom guys said average will increase he asked to put Nuelon oil & also change Engine oil which costs me Rs.250/- nulon oil + 150 for Engine oil (for mileage increase)
#Bike running well but no increase in mileage same 50kmpl
Month 4: Chain started making whistling type noise
#Gone to service center he said Chain adjustment part is broken coz service centre guy thinks I may taken the bike in pothholes on road..??? very strange to hear that which costs me Rs.50/- for that part & some chain oiling done.
Month 5 & 6: Worst taunt heard from my frnds (Picnic time Mumbai to Konkan 500km on bike)
#Taken the bike on highways first time with my friends to long journey with off course with a pillion.
#Total frnds 8 bike bikes were four (my Twister, old Kawasaki KT100, Pulsar 150 & Hero Honda Splendour all bikes almost 5 year old except mine)
#Bike was running well with pillion but cannot dare to overtake a heavy vehicle as Twister Lacks in power with a pillion sitting with me (my weight 70kg & frnd were 75kg).The bike weight is 108kg???
Almost ran 100km nonstop with max speed of 90 but the bike doesent move above 90 speed after twisting all the accelerator...Road was good but still...!!!
#Problems started when I got traffic on highway almost drove 150km.When I stop the bike I was riding at 2ng gear as traffic was dere..Bike suddenly stop & Shut down I was kicking peddals also with electric start for nearly half an hour but the my bike didnt started..my all frnds taunted & cursed me coz of my new Twister wasted the mood of the picnic..Some person on the highway said Engine garam ho gaya hai thoda rest le lelo..bike shuru ho jayega...!!
#After resting for an hour I agin used my energy to start my bike with pulling Choke & luckily it started but my pillion sits back I wasnt able to put move form 1st gear to 2nd gear as soon I changed the gear the Bike engine stop..& the same story again.
#Anyhow all the other frnds bike was in good condition except mine..Somehow I able to reach the garage pushing the bike & garage boy said Are Saab ye gadi Long distance ke layak nahiiii...
He checked the Starter plug where the plug was All Black burnt coz heating & he remove the carbon from the plug & also empty the small petrol carburator which is below the petrol tank..he also check engine oil level which was OK recently ive changed OIL costing me Rs400/- (Nulon +Engine oil)
#Somehow the bike started & was able to reach our picnic destination Ratnagiri Beachsides..Had a lot of drinks which cooled me as well as my TWISTER after this frustration. (After driving almost 300km with 2 hour brake)
#Bike not good for long distance with a pillion weighing above 60kg.
#My Twister mileage gone down to 45kmpl from previous given 50.
#Gear shifting is hard now (the gear gets hanged when changet from 3rd to 4th)
#After servicing done the Bike giving me only 45kmpl mileage & the same story given by service center guys Are Saab thoda aur Gadi chalao engine smooth hone par Mileage badega aur Gear shifting bhi smooth ho jayega... Ive crossed 2000kms in 5 months...????)
#Worst taunt from Frnd "Khatara Bike" from my frnd who was driving kawasaki K10 a model 15 years old with no problem given and average given 55kmpl ((more than my Bike))