Hi all,
I have been looking for a bike to upgrade from my old Hero Honda passion. Done a lot of search in mothshut and the like. Budget was Rs50, 000~ . So read all 125cc bikes review. But at last decided to buy the 110cc Honda cb twister. I bought the lowest version. That is without self start(i highly recommend self start) or disc brake(not necessary at all). It cost me Rs 49, 000 on the road. As a penny pincher I wanted to get the max out of my money spent.lols.
The rides in the run in period were awsom. No vibration, unbelievable torque(in 4 th gear u can ride as low as 20km/hr with pillion). Mileage 70 kmpl. I maintained a speed less than 45kmhr. No sudden acceleration.
After the second service I started ripping it off. Most of the time full throttle, sudden acceleration and 90+ kp/hr in highways. Even then I got a mileage of 50kmpl.
I also tried smooth and defensive riding. 50 - 55 km/hr speed and no sudden acceleration which gave me a mileage of 82kmpl.
Which indicates that mileage strictly depends upon ur riding style.
What I liked:
1.The terrific mileage(82 kmpl)
2.Brake. You can bring it to stand still from high speed within no time. Gives you a lot of confidence. Thanks to the front tyre. Guys believe me the braking ability is solely depends upon the type of rubber used in the tyre not the type of brake. Mine is the regular drum brake.
It doesnt get heated up even after long rides(i ride back to my home every weekend which is 80km away. Most of the time 90+km/hr). Around 97km/hr is the max speed shown in the speedo.
Value for money(compared to Passion)
Torque. You dont need to shift down all the time as u do in ur 100cc bikes.
What I did not like:
1.Hard suspension. Buy it only if your town has smooth roads.
Over use of plastic.
Vibration above 45km/hr
4.You need to oil the chain every other week.
The reputation of most of the Honda dealers are poor. Although I didnt have any bad experience so far. Lets wait and watch.
Overall, I dont have any regret on my purchase. If you are a matured rider living in a city which has got good roads go for it. But if you want to zoom through the traffic leaving everybody behind buy any 150cc or above bikes.
At the time of my purchase the new Yamaha 150cc commuter bike was not released. Now you can also consider it(Rs58000 on road) or the Gladiator 125 CC(Rs54000)