First of all, let me introduce myself.I am die hard fan of Yamaha bikes.I have ridden all the Yamaha bikes.My last bike was Yamaha R15.I used to get back pain so I thought of changing my R15 bike. At that time, I accidentally got a chance to ride my friends Honda Unicorn bike.At that second i fell in love with this silent beast unicorn..
Why in this world I bought this BIke/? Comfort, Smooth, Reliability, Speed.
Its very comfortable to drive this bike. Great road grip.You will never get back pain.Very good control to cruise through the traffic.Really butter smooth engine.No roaring engine sound but flys like an eagle in the highway.No vibrations at higher speed.If you cruise the bike above 90 you can feel a little vibrations.
The seat is very comfortable for a family with 2 kids.The looks of the bike may not be very attractive aggressive etc but it has a wonderful engine with good suspension. The big drawback is both the tyres.I dont know why Honda is not opting for tubeless tyres. Mileage will be around 45 -50 -> It depends on the way you ride your your bike. Honda has to really concentrate on having good service centers in Chennai. Worst service centers They will just water wash your bike tats it.You have to look for a good mechanic for your bike.
Brakes were absolutely spot on .The front disc and the rear drum brake were superb.If you want a good bike with reliability, smooth engine, comfort, family bike then go for it.If you lack style and aggressiveness then go for Yamaha fzs.