Hi every one, I am kanhu charan writting this review after 2 yrs using of unicorn 160.Mileage - in most of the 150/160 cc bike you can get an average mileage of 50km/ltr. But in unicorn 160 I am getting 58/60 km/ltr. Really very happy with this mileage. Previously I was driving splendor plus that was also giving a mileage of 62 kmper ltr. And unicorn being a 160 cc bike also giving a mileage of 58kmper ltr. So I think for mileage it is the best bike in 150/160 cc catagory.Comfort- its rear mono suspension is very powerfull. Rear passanger can get a very comfortable journey . I have driven this bike 250 km in a single day. And really it was amazing I did not feel major issue while driving sucha long distance in a single day. Ok for comfort point of view.Mainentance- its maintainance cost is not so high, I have driven 40, 000 km in 2yrs chain spoket replacement was only major maintenance in these 2 yrs. I hope maintenance cost will not so high for coming 2-3 yrs also.Power and the performance -Though it is a 160 cc bike it is not enough powerfull. Pickup is compairetibly low if compairing with fz, apache, pulsar. I am feeling that I am driving a 125cc bike. But the sound of the engine is really very smooth like butter. When the bike was new engine sound was very smooth even if driving at 90 kmper hr engine sound was quite smooth. But after running 20, 000 km engine sound has incresed. Road grip is also very good.Looks- If you are a simple and gentle man , you may like its look. But most of the youngstars not liking its look. My personal opnion is other 150/160 cc bikes look much more better than unicorn 160.
Go for it if you want a less maintenance 160 cc bike with better mileage.