Hi, I bought unicorn 160 grey on October 3, 2015.In the beginning it was a bit diifficult adjusting with the vehicle which will be with any new vehicle you had not ridden earlier.
But after a week it was great especially the handling is so easy and comfortable in the city with dense moving traffic(for me its bangalore as I live here).I recently calculated the mileage with almost accuracy as possible as I carried 1 litre petrol bottle with me and as soon as it came in reserve I had put the petrol.So the mileage which I got was quite surprising to me as I have not yet given the vehicle for first servicing also.The mileage I calculated was 60.5 kmpl.I normally ride between 45-55 kmph on 4th and 5th gears.Apart from the mileage the engine sound is so awesome on 4th and 5th gears there is almost no sound.
Only while coming down, the gear switching is a problem sometimes it gets stuck.It is rare though.
While going up it is so smooth that you wont even realize 4th and 5th gears while putting them.
Note:-Please make sure when you buy a new vehicle do use the choke every morning when you first start the bike and use kick start.Follow this for 2-3 weeks and then you can start as you wish.