Honda CB Unicorn Dazzler(2010) - A 150CC Honda bike belonging to Unicorn family.For specification, go to Honda website.About the engine...The most refined engine as expected from Honda.
(Both Yamaha and Honda beat the rest in producing refined engines). Engine behaves very silent at lower RPM with decent pickup but sounding like a 100cc bike.
Pickup is not very great at lower speeds but beyond 4000 RPM(55KMPH), Dazzlers grunt sound and high end torque is great.
Handling and Braking...Great handling with tubeless tyres. Braking is simple great(You can test when you are without a pillion). Handling suffer when rear disc is improperly handled on bad roads( Rear wheel skids. Only issue which is risky when there is one-sided pillion).
Mileage...Dazzler is the clear winner in this section. Normal driving anything below 4500RPM(60KMPH) fetches a 55KMPL mileage which is great. Beyond 6000RPM, it may fetch low mileage. Verdict:-100CC Bike, kind of lightweight handling.
125CC Bike, kind of mileage. 150CC Bike, kind of power. Bike that perfectly fits for commuters with height between 5 8" ~ 6 and weight below 75 Kgs.