The long waiting period as if I proposed aishwarya rai is annoying man ! As am in a mood to change my bike ...the dealers r falling short for our Indian population ! seems japan thinks we control! lolz
The bike has got a chucked tank ! yucks ! my friend who got this new machine ..get a average of 48. The electronic meter got some water leakage problem during diz heavy rains in Mumbai. The system is jammed. Worst ....on a bike slip ....the leg guard if not fitted properly can damage the entire fearing !
Rest all honda is gr8
What fears me is .....the waiting period for this model as well as the cb unicorn !!!!!!!!!! is discontinued in Mumbai ! man ! they stopped something which was so sure this will back fire on them as ....
Suzukis gs 150 and frazer , fz are far far better in looks and even in average
Guys check all models of honda these days dey r as if some knives and scisors have chopped their faces and bodies !
The twister and dazzler !
btr to go for ...... stunner
DAZZLER ! dont dazzle much !