I am here to present my own experience about my recent “bike” hunt - ending up in Honda Unicorn Dazzler. I used to commute by 2003 Splendor till Dec ‘10which broke down due to crank shaft issues. Post my discussions with the local mech, I concluded that it would be better to purchase a new bike rather than to get it repaired. Hence I had to zero on three bikes 1)Unicorn(not Dazzler), 2)Suzuki GS150 R, 3)Apache 180 keeping in mind of three factors 1) Traffic(horrible in Bang.) 2) Comfort(ergonomics) 3) Mileage in parallel to Power(CC).
The next step, test drive, I spoke to my colleagues owning an Apace, took a test drive, rather a long test drive, felt that the bike was solid – worth the buy - Positive, but did feel my back pardoning for a break after 50 Kms drive, continuously. But boy the bike was awesome.+s: Looks, Not bad mileage, 180 CC for good price tag. Though tempted, I backed off due to the ergonomics which my second priority. I also felt the bike a bit heavy, so Apache 180 – is out .
Keeping my fingers crossed, I had been to Honda showroom to book a Unicorn though it’s a little heavy and tall for me. I was tipped off saying Honda “loves” to keep its customtakeouters waiting and service sucks. But sill wanted to try my luck, so just dropped into the showroom @ 7PM –closing time, not expecting much, I bluntly said I want to book a Unicorn and wanted a quote. The sales guy was damn polite and suggested the Dazzler instead of Unicorn(mrkting technique?) he assured me that engine was better that unicorn with high BHP and it’s peppy, he also said that unlike the Unicorn the Dazzler looks like “leopard”(what crap!) – after some conversation about the bike, test drove the bike, boy it was in heaven, like a butter on a “dosa” pan.so smooth…i happened to ask him is the engine on a couple of times- no vibrations at all(traffic noise). It just cruises like a silent killer, swift. It was nice experience. Brakes were just awesome. He finally offered a price of 78K(includes crash, saree, engine, Teflon, no plates) he said the bike is Readily Available, any color, registration one day- this means I would get the bike the next day if I made the payment morning before 12, I was like dude – are you kidding me? I spoke to the manager and paid an advance of 1K- the showroom guys were so courteous that they offered a money back if I was not going with the bike. So finally, on Dec 27 th morning I paid the whole amount and formalities they asked to come by evening to take the bike.
As of today I have 5K on my odo with two services, so let me talk about each individual aspect.
Why Dazzler?: power+ mileage and smoothness, comfort, time in the odo, blue lit display in the odo.
Looks: Though I thought the guy gave me a gyan about “leopard”, after sometime I did realize that it looked like one from an angle. May be illusion ah?(good that he din say elephant J)
Mileage: Prior to fist service I was getting 51(city+ highway) did not cross 60.( I haven’t been advised specifchandru021y about the 50 kmph barrier). Post the second service I started getting 56 kmpl. This is how I measure. Tank capacity 12 lts(2 lts reserve), a beautiful option called’ Trip’ is provided in the odo. All you have to do is reset it when you fill the tank and forget it. When it comes to reserve I just do math.:) Also it has a very useful option in the Odo- Time/clock. This is very good feature specially for me( I hate to wear a watch!)
Maintenance: No kick start, 5yrs MF battery, touch wood till date never had issues, only used choke in winter season – just the first start. Chain is open – cant help with the mud in rainy season. I clean my bike regularly, so no question of dust, give it for water service weekly once. a few points here: the bike rear brakes do not work until the water is dried completely and it makes a screech sound. This I observed even after the service.
Plastics: The plastics indeed Suck, specially the black ones, after a wash they turn white and I have to apply a formula polish on them.(Honda needs to grow up on this) refrain to park the bike in direct sunlight. Engine: I need not say more in the power, but just before my first service, my engine started sounding like stunner with lot of vibrations even in 20. The service folks dint correct it. So reported in 2nd service too, nah- they din bother. Though I din lose power it became a concern. So I was planning my third service in Tumkur – I was told there was nice Honda service point by one of my office colleague.
Brakes: I would advise you to ride carefully in rains. I almost crashed in to rear of a lorry when my rear and front discs just gave in stopping the tries rather they started the tires to skid. When I spoke to the service guy, it’s a know issue in rear disc Rajeev_Vermacially in bikes which has less weight. HE ADVISED ME TO USE BOTH BRAKES SIMULTANESOULY, ANYTIME STITUATION. After this piece of advice, I was kind of convinced, but I still don’t want to take the risk in rain.
I also had an issue before the 1st service, the bike used to move to left if I apply rear brake alone, thought this got fixed, I was told that it’s a known issue in Dazzler. Is it?
Vibrations: Every mechanical device produces vibrations, a gyan by the workshop manager when I complained of vibration in between 55-65 kmph. Not sure if his theory is true, but, I did touch 100 kmph and from 70 upward the bike is so smooth, no sound from engine(or is that I am not hearing due to the air?) except for the stunner like vibrations I have @ 20 kmph, haven’t noticed anymore, I am sure this can be fixed as I suspect that some part is loosened. I also have some thud sound from the front handle bar- need to checkpoint this in the next service. Service: Needless to say more – universal truth – Honda Service Sucks big time. You know the reason(s)? 1) Just look into the job sheet the service guy writes, and after 10 minutes ask the same person to read, he cannot make out his own handwriting, how will the technician figure it.huh?2) When my cousin bought a stunner and active for his family in 2008, I used to give it for service seldom, that time there were 16 folks(service people who actually service your bike) . today in 2011 still they have same 16 people(in count) but the bikes have multiplied in a GP. Do I need to say more.? I m sure that the least they do is change engine oil. Honda has provisioned a small pace under the seat to keep the documents. Nice idea J
Overall- I would say this bike is not perfect, but it’s a nice bike. After all, what’s the point in cribbing about something, without enjoying the ride J(some Gyan:p)