This is my first review on this site for my first ever bike the honda stunner.
I had test rides on many bikes like pulsar 150cc, hunk, glamour, apache rtr n discover.
My personal favourites were apache rtr and hunk.
In fact I almost booked the HH hunk when suddenly I came across this bike parked on the road, red and black and wid a split seat.My 1st impression was "it must be a 200cc bike".And that very 1st luk over cbf stunner changed my mind.I checked out many review sites and was amazed 2 know it was a Honda product wid a 125cc engine.!
The more I went into details and reviews the more I started luving this bike. And within 3 days I booked the self start-drum break version.
Now cuming 2 the actual review.
1.Awesome looks(ppl on d road keep taking pics on their phones)
2.The pick up is good and smooth.
3.The handling is also quite gud.Taking narrow turns is a piece of cake
4.Its weight is only 129kgs which really helps a slim person like me, (55kgs)
5.The engine is marvellous it hardly makes any sound.
6.Gear shifting is pretty smooth no problems till now.
1.I think I did a mistake by selecting the drum brake version.The brakes on my bike arent reliable enough.I had 2 minor accidents.
2.I find the mileage a bit less. I m getting only around 48km/litre.The best I got was 52km/litre. For a 125cc bike this seems 2 b less.
3.This bike vibrates above 70km/hr.
I thought the addition of 5th gear will rectify the problem, but it isnt working
4.Some times I feel the rear tyre skids.
It can prove fatal.
5.The price is a bit on higher side . I paid Rs57000/- in mumbai on road.
I face a lot of problem with the gear lever.The gear can be changed only by the toe and not by the heel.It pains sometimes.
My sincere adwise 2 all is that from my experience I found this bike good for college going students.
Its better for a daily commuting of 5 to 20km
and as far as possible try to keep your speed below 80km/hr coz it vibrates like the old Honda Shine.
Its a gud package with 11bhp of power, good looks, style, comfort and reliability.And this bike has the potential to affect the sales of pulsars and apaches!
Any comments and advises(on mileage) are most welcome.Sorry if I missed out any thing.
just done with my 1st service and the changes r noticeable.Here they are:
1) the mileage just shocked me.I dont know how but its returning a mileage of 59km/ltr and once 62km/ltr.
2)the handle has become stiff, taking turns isnt that smooth that used to b innitialy.
3)the engine has now started making some noise.It kinda screaches, especially if I accelerate suddenly.But its not that disturbing though.
4)i dont know if I shud reveal it over here, but I have finally found a girl 4 me.And I must say that my little 125cc beast shud get some credit 4 it.
5)few days ago I took the bike 4 a long ride, may b for around 120kms, u wont believe the bike has actually stunned me by its performance.No back pain, wrist pain, nothing and the vibrations have decreased substantially.
This was my update.
Will let u know something new the next time. Till then, bye.