I am Naveen from Tirupati bought Honda Stunner New model in July 2010.
The main positive thing to tell first about this bike is having incredible look in this 125CC section that no other bike having in india motorcycle market.
But the bad thing about this is mileage, as per my knowledge this is the bike which gives very less mileage about 40-43KMPL. I have completed all my free services and I am not satisfied with the service provided by HONDA management no where as I tried different dealers for every free service in chittoor A.P(1), Hyd A.P(2), Banglore Karnataka(3 & 4 services). So I feel that honda which stands for quality is in-correct. Honda dealers are having no time to listen the customer problems with the bike.
Better change "The Power of dreams" to "The power of problems". I havent enjoyed quality until now. And bike cries like baby after speed of 70KM and I never felt iam going in topgear as it vibrates badly.
This is not the one for speed lovers.
If you have love of honda beacuse of quality there nothing matter of quality with services provided by them.
Better choose Unicorn instead of Stunner.