This kind of bikes will satisfy very few people. After unicorn and shine all bikes are flop from honda because of build qaulity and price. if any doubts, go and check all the bikes front and back panel, all looks same. Except size and color applied. There is no quality in vechile other than engine in all bikes releasing by all major two wheeler manufactors.
only 2 or 3% of people buy these kind of bikes. They use and throw these bikes within 2 or 3 years. No resale value nothing they get. even you cant get spare parts of same as well, because already production stopped by manufactures.
I think some people might buy bikes even though they attach small engine to one cycle also, they say superb vachicle, becuse its manufactored by some brand company. This is my experiance after seeing quality of bikes. Quality of engine doesnt only tell all about your bike, It should give atleast some security even if you hit or fall down from bike.
Compare with new version with old bikes, they are removing quality steel parts from your bike and they are keeping the painted materials. In such way they are reducing their manufactoring price, but they are increasing bike price at same time.
This is my opinion about present quality of bikes. if any body hurted, Sorry to you.
Mallikharjuna Rao. a