Ok I am writing in here to make one strong point about the New Honda citys fuel efficiency and it is not exactly what is claimed by Honda or in some of the reviews here ... I drive a Honda city Gxi (MT) since Feb 2004 and the max average is under 11 Km per Litre of Premium Petrol available in Delhi to be exact it gives 10.6 Km/Litre with A\C in city driving. It will barely touch 12km/L on a highway. Non the less the driving experience in terms of handling and interiors are awesome, Style and space is great too.
Pick up is below average (as expected due to low bhp) but hey were we not told that lower BHP is a compromise for good Fuel Efficiency ???? duh...Anyways a Hyundai CRDI has a much faster pickup from 0 to 60 Km/hr i.e at second and third gears
Another con is the low Ground Clearance, it touches most Speed Breaker on indian roads ( thankfully Delhi have bearable roads now but the ones on Gurgaon Mehrauli border you have to go real slow)
Aerodynamics are great, I have touched 130KM/Hour on expresways with ease... However the Fiat Petra (Petrol 100 Bhp) went 140km/hour much easily than the Honda... But again I do have a doubt on Fiat Petra speedometers because it didnt feel that fast at 140 either.
Ok now the Noise factor, Honda is very quiet compared to other cars in this segment, The AC is just ok and turning it On does make the engine a little less responsive.
Yeah one more thing about the Honda Dealers in Delhi, The Ring Road honda delaer sucks big time, it was impossible to get anyone there to speak to, very poor customer handling, it is understaffed and poorly managed and yeah their staff spends more time on their mobile phones than with the real time customers actually present there... now thats taking undue advantage for the popularity of brand name that attract so many.