If one might imagine Honda City as a person or as a human being and study its brand personality one can probabily think of someone Rich, sexy, hunk who lives a life of style. Someone who is powerful, pretty smart, active has lot of contacts. Probabily good with women .... anyways we are tallking about cars .... well all this can be said about Honda City 1.5 exi. Being an owner of this car since last 3 years I have experianced nothing but performance, reliabilty and on top it POWER.
One gets used to not so great interiors (which have been improved in New Honda City) after looking at the pick up and easy gear shift. smooth as silk as Thai air lines calls itself goes more for Honda. Even at the speeds of 140 Kms the car is pretty stable.
What I dont like about this car is its seating position. The car is pretty low and it becomes a bit uncomfortable for a fat and a tall person (NOT me my dad) to get it. Interiors are dull black colour. Seat covers although of good quality and fabric are preety dull to look at. Non adjustable steering (which is there in Accent) is also a missing feature. The light inside the car is pretty dull. Leg space for the back seater in also slightly low.
A/c is simply amazing you wont even feel when you switched it on or off. Power Windows, central locking are of pretty good quality looking a the fact that I faced no problem since last 3 years. and if that nots enough the soft VROOMMMM sound heard of the engine reminds you of the power you have in hands while driving.
My car has been running trouble free since last 3 years (60000 Kms) with out any problems except now there is a slight noise in the brakes (brake pads are to be replaced at 50, 000 as per Honda but this car out performed).
If you are looking for a car with probability the highest quality in this segment, with superb performance but are willing to compromise on the interiors s the I guess this car is for you.