I am not happy with suspension of this car, though one of the best innovations of Honda is its mastry on japnese deisel engine. Still it came late in India market but it hit the news as soon as it came. Tata the main introducer of deisel turbo engines has now lacked behind. Though honda priced high is still selling more then Tata no doubt. But Honda has avery cranky suspension.
I bought this car specialy for its HONDA brand and authentication. I am very much satisfied by average, ac and engine. But I am very much annoyed with the suspension of this car. Indian roada are pit and hole roads.per haps Honda is ment for much softer roads.
On close observation I have seen that this car has very thin coil springs used between the chassis and axles. Thats why when car hits in pit or hole in road it sounds like big Thug Thug voice. In bigger pot holes or the road speed breakers the car once bounces up with shockers the wheel axle thugs down and when chassis comes down the thin coil springs cant hold the jump and thus cassis hits onto axle beam making an big noise of thudd. It gives me a shockes while driving on speed breakers.
This car is not an allterrain drive car. If road is very pot holed to an length.that generaly does in rainy seasons in India the car suspension make scattery noise thud.thud.thud.thud.
Thia car has very low ground clearnce. Perhaps a ladies car.so they van sit easliy with saree and drive. I suggest Honda should put a big sized bar coil springs along with the shock absorbers.so that both Jump and Fall of the chassis could be co-ordinated making less impact inside to the passanger. I bought this car and drove only about 16500-KM and now I have put it on sale in OLX, my advertisment for sale is still onn. So lesser marks to this model Honda car suspension.