I have purchased a new Honda City 1.5 CVT from M/s Pride Honda, 36 Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad on 5th November 2008
While putting seat covers, the rear seat was removed and it was found that the bracket and bolt holding the rear seat & back rest with the chassis is totally rusted and melted(please refer the attached photographs) also one or two places the chassis is also rusted and made holes in chassis( Red rounded in photograph). While checking further surprisingly it was found that the spare wheel chamber is full with water(one bucket full of 15 liters) & made a pool. Tthe spare wheel was 50% submerged in it. The tyre of spare wheel was found very slippery to touch due to submerged in water for prolonged period. Total boot is smelling foul due to stagnant water and fungus on Card board cover and Thick blanket. The card board cover of the spare wheel was totally wet and patches appeared.
More over while detail scrutiny it is found that not only the back seat rest foundation bolts(with puddle of water in trunk spare wheel area), the front side(behind the dashboard and glove box) supportive pipes, plates, brackets etc are totally rusted and corroded