Abhishek has alreaqdy stated a lot about this car and I couldnt have agreed more with him. A VTec is simply a great car, great to drive at all speed levels. If you drive it very slow you can still manage to smoothly drive in the 5th gear at a speed of 30 - 40 kph without knocking. It is a great performance car.
However the fun starts when you rev the engine. It simply zooms almost as quickly as any higher segment car and can take on any other superior car in performance to a great extent. It touches 120 KPH in no time even before you realise. In the Mumbai Pune Expressway I drove it continuously at a mad speed of 184 KPH and believe me it ran as smoothly at that frightening speed as it does at 100 KPH
It is slightly inferior to Toyota Corolla & Hondas own CIvic in performance because they belong to higher segment and are more powerful. However considering the fact that a VTEC is only 1500 cc it clearly is a super product which can beat, in performance alone, other more powerful cars (read 1600 cc) and some even higher. Alot has been written about its competition with Maruti SX4 and let me tell you that a VTEC simply outstrips a SX4 in performance. be it a short distance or a long distance drive.
Yes, for a top end Honda City car like this ABS & Air bag systems should have been there authomatically and some how Honda people have missed out on this. Now they are introducing them in VTEC plus cars at a higher cost.
Shishir Sinha