I purchased a Honda Civic Car about a year back and I was happy with the car but not any more. The car has given its first problem , the clutch plate has gone and costed about Rs. 15, 000. The dealer r says that this is normal wear and tear which does not seem to be right .
I have had cars for last 20 years and none of them had problems with in one year and around 13000 km on the odometer. The company and dealer think that may be car has not been driven well and some one is pressing clutch all the time. Now I have been driving for more than 20 years and my driver for last 10 years in various cars but never a problem.
I will like to know if any other owners are having similar or other problems now that the car is on road for about one and a half year. I am now worried that car will start giving trouble quickly with various other parts . I will also like to say that I had a Toyota Corolla for 2 years and did not even have a puncture