Think what will happen to a man, after buying a car for the first time in his Life and within 2 days it started giving problem.....thats what happened to me, I was so excited, as it was my dream come true. After a month long research finally I decided to go with Honda Civic, the fight is with Toyato Corallo. It all happened on the fatefull date 13, in the morning I got a pickup from the dealer and after signing all the contract work I got and started driving my new car and I was so excited...the color of the car is Magnesium metalic silver and I was so proud to say that no body has got that color and this is 2004 model car. The same day we went to Temple for doing pooja and just everything went fine, while returning home, I noticed a problem in the car, that transmission was not functioning properly. The next day it was so difficult to drive to the Dealer place and came to know that the Transmisson Sensor is gone.....I was so frustrated and came back to work, I couldnt sleep that night/eat properly...On the next day, there was a call from the Honda Corp., it was just a frequent call just to know about the dealer/car and other stuffs, they asked to rate the car/dealer.. As I was so frustrated that time, I gave a bad rate to all the questions she asked, After an hour, I received a call from the dealer saying sorry for what so happened and he promised me to give a new Car of the same model.....So after 3 days I took the second new Car...hopefully this should go smooth. The car is good only my time is so bad....