I am a motorcycle freak, but after i got married i had to have a scooter, I being an automobile engineer, wanted to go in for the tvs spectra but due to lack of spares i changed my mind, then i went in for the honda eterno... The best vehicle even if u compare it to the Indian bikes, does everything u want it to do.
No noise from the engine, a car on two wheels, gives a mileage of around 55 in city and 60 plus on highways, , one thing u have to keep in mind is when u buy the vehicle take good care till 1000km no high speed, no fast accleration , and change the engine oil every 3000kms i have no problems with the vehicle since i have, brought it in sep 2006. I want to thank the people at honda for making such a beautiful vehicle
This is my latest update since I wrote this review, I have clocked more than 50 thousand kilometers on my Eterno. and it is still going strong. no maintenance till date expect for oil and tyres.... I love my Honda