I bought 2 months ago, the new model Honda Navi .
the automatic gear and mileage of 50 km prompted me to buy it, but I had to wait 2 Month to understant the Honda was cheat who know me, and now a Shouted Sound from engine. Then Igot to Shop for fix it then the look the vehicle and the said it cant repair there send to abroad and Still wait atleast 1 month.1 made deSappoineted I did not want to go back with the elsewhere and laterally correct, Longly 1 realized it only now get a mileage of less than 30, and with its voice and began to decline slowly mileage. I decide to Sell it.
I had bought 60, 000 rupees and so I have to get at least Rs. 40, 000. I went to the shop and then they said, "This is the engine that you have deplorated. Its worth the price of less than Rs. 25, 000. Im disappointed
Ive lost my money
that if you try to get lets go and listen.