After some serious thinking I finally decided to buy either honda shine or yamaha gladiator.but my first looks at honda shine grabbed my attention so much that without a second thought I thought to buy it.
I purchased it on 9/1/08 and had to wait for nearly 2 hrs to get my bike from the dealer. Believe me all good things happen very very slowly.
So after waiting for 2 long hrs the dealer gave me my keys it was all black shining under the sun waiting for its master to take on roads.i took the keys happily and started it vroooom vrooom vroom......first gear..second.......third....fourth the ride was toooo smooth;felt really really happy that I had finally made the right choice.....the pick up is awesome, gear changing is good but brakes are not satisfactory.except that one point everything is good.
My cruisey(my shine) gave approx 51 mileage b4 1st servicing and after 1st servicing I havent checked yet.
will update it in abt a week.I seriously warn to all the bike lovers in india not to buy this bike.if u gonna buy it u cant leave it for a second.u will fall in love the moment u see it
(check the brakes b4 buying it)
after 1st servicing:
As expected HONDA always gives surprises to its customers;same was the case with me.b4 1st servicing my mileage was aapprox 51-52 but after servicing it dropped to 45...checked it abt 10 times but the result is the same.i seriously inquired about other shine customers in ma city but they didnt face the same problem instead they had their own problems which I dont have.when I complained to my dealer they asked mt to be patient till 2nd servicing.......lets c what surprises come next.
My advice is take shine if u are a honda lover and love riding smooth harsh riding allowed it leads u to serious accidents......which will again be a surprise