This is eshwar back on with the dream machine, my shine now has crossed 7800kms.. still is smooth as it was when I got it, I even tared the engine to 102kmph..still its pickup and mileage is really good, to say the good part, the bike is really stable, handling is excelent(disc model)..belteve me or not after revving this machine I still get 61 kmpl.. day before yesterday I took my bike from service center(4th service) filled for 30 rs... and i went from annanagar east*(chennai) to besant nagar beach and returned home without stopping..
Its around 28-32kms) all the way.. I feared that I would stop without fuel, but it never let me down. thanks honda for giving me such a nice bike.. anyone who reall wants to buy this bike.. first thing becareful about the first gear.. first time when I rode it it almost jumped like a hose(that the pickup u"ll never forget in ypur life.. second uncompromised mileage, long life engine..know what if u ride it constant till60kmph ur engine will cross 15 year without any trouble.. till today not even pulsar150dtsi can cross my bike for the first 12 seconds.. I promise.. if any pulsies wanna race jus show up.. shines ready for the race!!!