May be, I am very early in conclusion. But I waited entire 8 months to own this byke. and about 50 days after booking the byke. I like this byke that much before bying it. I did not listen to any of my friends, who are against the shine byke.
But after two weeks my all dreams are ruined. Think twice before u buy honda shine. When reached
40km speed the bike vibrates, gives jerks, the bike is not smooth. The mileage is 40kmpl. (people say after all the services completed you may get good mileage. I know I am a good rider).
The switch panel (Horn, LIght, etc..) looks very cheap. Headlight is ok.
The company didnot stand upto the expectation (I am not blaming the company, its my expectation), the
engine make much noise when speed more than 50 km/hr and very irritating when clibing ups. Apart from that
Customer service is not upto the satisfactory level, esp.. manager ( I own it from, Autofin - Himayatnagar, Hyd.) (may be its nothing related to the byke).
You always feel that there is one more gear when you are riding the byke in 4th gear. The byke is not smooth on the fourth gear unlike other bikes. It really lacks the 5th gear. On 4th gear its like riding the 3rd gear in other vehicles.(you will feel it).
Some body from other review said that why do we need 5th gear, -- This is not only my openion. you may know the answer in my above statement.
I am riding Splendor from 2002 and CD-100 from 1993. Hence, I can justify my review.
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