All I want to say about this bike is that its fuel consumption too high and consequently average is too less.
Well I bought this bike last year in july. My milage meter shows more than 9000 Kms and after having done all the services on time, im still unable to get its average/ltr improved.
Here in my city petrol costs around Rs. 50/ltr
Every time I fill up 8ltrs or Gas and the kilometer reading I got last time was around 259.
That means it gave around 32.375km/ltr
well dont worry this time it was really less but usually it gives around 320Km for 8ltrs of Gas.
so that comes around 40Km/ltr.
I told this at the service center also, but now even they can not help. They have reduced its pickup n power to a bare minimum but that too is not working.
All the stats provided are in city driving. No highways stats improves to 50Km/ltr