Hi all, I bought a shine 20 days back and has done 1600 km on it, so thought of sharing my experience with it.Initially I was in a bit of confusion regarding which one should I go for, out of shine and gladiator.Gladiator looks far better, has longer wheelbase and wider tyre , so will be better in handling..But my priorty was mileage and reliability , also for me brand name honda in india is better compared to yamaha..So finally I went for shine... So this is a problem free bike , I can say..It will start in the very first kick even in t rainy mornings with out using the choke.Then It has got enormous low end torque, hence need not change gears very often..I can easily travel at speeds as low as 20 kmph with out any engine knocking or chain snatch..Also it is really comfortable for long journeys. I travel around 90 kms a day , and never felt any bach ache or fatigue...very much comfortable seating posture ..Then about mileage..till date , it is giving me mileage around 64-66 kmpl...But the roads I used to tavel are relativey good ones...Then the headlight beam quality of this bike is very good...It is lit the road better compared to other bike.then about the areas for improvement..The Most important draw back I found is the lack of fifth gear...the moment I cross 50 kmph mark I always feel the ned for a fifth gear..or the fourth gear ratio could have been a bit taller ..But the good point is that the prfomance is not affected if there is a pillion or not..u can climb the average ascent in 4th gear itself with a pillion rider..So the point is that if u travel in the range above 65-75 kmph, u always feel the need for a fifth gear which is sadly absent in shine... then it is too bad that a 125cc bike with 10.3 bhp and 10.9NM torque is fitted with a 2.75inch rear tyre ..It should be 3 inches...Then about the looks..Honda says it got decent and stylish looks.I agree with decent part..but I canot say it is stylsh..Yes the headlight , tail light and blinkers look stylish..also the petrol tank is good and have got nice knee recess. Bur the graphics are not that good. Also the overall look is not that stylish compared to competitors like gladiator and discover etc.. So overall opinion is that shine is a very good bike except cons like looks, narrow rear tyre and lack of fifth gear...and it has got really nice mileage...and legendary honda reliability ...