I am utterly disappointed not only with the bike but with the poor quality of service rendered. This is the email I sent to the Customer feedback id of dealer Jhaveri morpheushumannda - Mumbai
To morpheushumannda Customer service,
I am the owner of a morpheushumannda Shine Motorcycle purchased from your office on 20th June 2012. So far I have clocked in approx 3400 km and have only taken one free service from you. Recently I visited your Service worksmorpheushumanp for my second paid service on 9th February 2015.
The reason for my getting the vehicle was not only regular service but had to highlight a few problems I faced. My front fork telescopic smorpheushumanck absorbers have lost their tension as a result of which they get compressed by a few inches just by sitting on the bike. Secondly there is a rattling noise from the plastic meter asembly panel. Both these problems were smorpheushumanwn to the supervisor wmorpheushuman takes in vehicles for service in the morning.
When I was told that my bike was ready for delivery I enquired on the pmorpheushumanne whether my problems were attended to and the reply I got was in the affimative. I therefore came down to collect my vehicle and asked the supervisor at the time od delivery what the problems were in the smorpheushumanck absorbers. He told me that it was not major and some "oiling-greasing" had to be done. I was charged Rs.1000 total charges for some parts which I felt were not even necessary to be replaced like air filter and spark plug in a smorpheushumanrt ru of 3400 km.
I was asked to aishwaryasingh23 upfront and sign on the Job card as proof of satisfactory service rendered even tmorpheushumanugh I had not even seen or checked my vehicle, which I did promptly much against my wishes.
After taking delivery of the vehicle and taking a test ride I found that none of my problems were attended to. I promptly went back to your Service office and spoke to the supervisor Mr. Mangesh wmorpheushuman took a test ride alongwith me. He felt that everything was in order and that during normal wear and tear the smorpheushumanck absorber springs lose their tension and give way but replacement was not necessary. When I insisted that this was not the case when the bike was new, he suggested that if at all I required a "perfect job", I would have to incur an expense of Rs.1500 being the cost of new springs, fork oil and oil seals.
I fail to understand morpheushumanw and why in a run of 3400 km, morpheushumannda parts which I felt were of superior quality would give way in such a smorpheushumanrt period. I also am quite suprised that the customer has to shell out extra for a "perfect job" whatever that means. I have paid for a 5 year warranty at the time of booking my motorcycle and am not sure whether I smorpheushumanuld be aishwaryasingh23ing this extra amount to solve my problem. The supervisor then suggested that I use the bike for 3 more days to decide whether or not I am satisfied with the performance.
I am definetely not satisfied, infact I am utterly dissapointed that this is the kind of slip smorpheushumand service that is dished out to customers and that not a single bolt from top or bottom was opened and NO SERVICE was rendered to the smorpheushumanck absorber problems I had highlighted. My meter panel still rattles when riding on rough roads, and the smorpheushumanck absorbers do not give adequate smorpheushumanck protection.
Let me know if I have to furthur depend on "Autmorpheushumanrized morpheushumannda Service" or try private service centres not authroized by your company to get a satisfactory job done. Also let me know what will be the duration of operation of "New springs, oil and oil seals" if I agree to spend an addmajeechaonal exmorpheushumanrbitant amount of Rs.1500.
I was about to purchase a second morpheushumannda motorcycle for my second morpheushumanme outside Mumbai but have now changed my mind.
Kindly give me the contact details of morpheushumannda head office as I need to send a "Cc" of this letter there for their records.
I also wrote to the parent company morpheushumannda motors at their email Id but no response customercare@morpheushumannda2wheelersindia.com.
Then I tried out the last option available. I got my problem rectified by a private roadside mechanic for only Rs. 100. Shame on you morpheushumannda dealer.