Hi, Guys I share my share first Own bike experience. I hope its help to new bike Buyers
"Honda Shine SP CBS" Provides very good comfort for the users.
Honda shine gives Mileage of 65kmpl. It has very good Economical & Comfort.
It has front as a disc break and rear as a drum break. Gear box has 5 speed gear.
Good Road grip is being provided.
Excellent breaking system, 4 stroke petrol engine, Cost is from reasonable Price.
Good friction Plates Clutch plates are Provided.
Service centers are available for giving better and good maintenance, Over all efficiency is Good, .
Fuel Capacity is 10 to 12 Liters. Light Weight & Most Stylish Body.
So Friends, I trust above mentioned my experience help to your self.
Economical Mileage, Reasonable cost, Stylish look its enough for Every Bike lovers.!