Honda is only BEST QUALITY.
I Love Unicorn Bike. Its awesome general. Great Mileage, Comfortable, Specially Good for Long Running.
I acquired Unicorn 2009 August, I essentially say best bicycle ever, brilliant solace and mileage. I will be considerably more faithful to the Unicorn. In the event that I purchase new bicycle in future beyond any doubt my first inclination is Honda Vehicles. In the not too distant past I never confront any significant issues. I will burned through 700 Rs each administration, (up and coming). Before acquiring this vehicle I feel bashful to appear before companions since its little absence of game looks contrast with pulsar, yet now I feel awesome on the grounds that incredible millage with solace and smooth riding. at the point when my guardians sit in my vehicle I feel pleased in light of the fact that I picked best vehicle. I advised a significant number of my companions to purchase this vehicle.