Warm welcome , I am forwarding some message hich you most of user facing . I am a unicorn user last 2 yrs but I have lot of dissatisfaction regarding its service.During the warranty the defects are kept unaware of you. If you detect then they told you that it isminor . But real trouble comes after warranty is over. Due to poor service station facilities many times you land in trouble . Where no body is thre to help you.
Road side mechanics are unable to handle your vehicle. While purchase take all factor in your mind . Company mechanics always reluctant cover your warranty as if it is bad name to the manifacture. I was being faced two problem during the warranty period . They did not change my speedo pinion complete & detect the defect of handle racer after warranty period over before they told me it is minor it can simply adjusted.
My dear friend be aware of consumer right to with these people. THANKING YOU.