Am sreedhar from Bangalore, this is my happiness that I want to share with you people, after 2 years of buying I found out that Honda Unicorn is a gem of a bike which is worth more than what I have paid for it. I have seen the pulsar which was bought around the same time by my cousin brother getting punctured around 8 times by now, but I was amazed all these days that the tyres of my bike never got punctured at all. But I was revealed of the truth last week when I took it to a near by garage as there was a slight bend in the rear tyre.
When the mechanic opened the tube there were three nails, two small & one big & a huge thorn which were held tightly by gum. I was really shocked to see that. until then I thought that there were no punctures to my vehicle, only then I came to know about puncture resistent TUFF-UP TUBES which release gum or something around the object which causes puncture & seals that portion within seconds because of which you will never come to know about the puncture.
If I hadnt seen it, really I would have never believed it. really it was amazing. Another reason for me to be proud of my Unicorn is that I have tested the mileage of my unicorn with normal petrol & xtra premium petrol. Between 2500 to 3500 rpm (35 to 40 km/hr speed) you get the smoothest ride possible & with normal petrol I get 68 km/l & with extra premium I get 71 km/l, at around 50km/hr speed I get 65 km/l & 68 km/l respectively, at around 60 km/hr speed I get 62.0 km/l & 65.0 km/l, that too even after two years. I want it, to be known by each & every bike enthusiast in india.*