Today I share very bad experience with honda service centre in Kandivali . In month of july I given bike to paid up service in kandivali service centre that time we found some oil leakage from engine, same I informed to mechanical person to why this was happen. that time they told me to change piston ring and oil seals.
I ready to change that part and I also informed them when I going for long drive bike automatically got HOWBLING and not control imdiately for that reason in month of May I made accident and front headlight fearing was broken so I change that fearing part and that time the mechanical released front spoke.but still that problem was not solved.
But that time parts not available in service centre it will come within 4-5 days, so you come without appointment and changed the part. on that days I was continously follow-up to sevice centre but parts not available in that month.
Fortunately that parts was available on 20-08-2010 and I was given bike to servicing on that date and also I same informed them to resolved this howbling problem for that if you want to change any parts you can change I am ready to for pay it , but that time they changed pistone ring and front fork pipe and completed the work.
Now the oil leckage from engine was stopped but the first problem still not resoved.still I was faced that HOWBLING problem when I drive.For that reason I again visit on 05-10-2010 and informed them my first problem still not the says to changed the handle bearing then the problem will resolve.
Tell me one thing I dont know mechanical work .if I found any small problem in bike I am directly visit to authorised service centre, bcoz I belive in authorised service centre there working efficient machanical staff they are not cheated.but todays experience its really horrible.
We are ready to pay for the parts but every time u says change this parts but still problem not solve then u again said change this parts..What is this...