Am from Bangalore, writing reviews on my 13months old (ridden 12, 550KM) Unicorn, "BE A WING RIDER", this is true only after 40KM/hr speed. unicorn laggs in case of initial pick up compare to TVS and bajaj, 1s unicorn crosses 40Km then u feel the heaven do u the facts my dear friends unicorn is capable of overtaking P150(present) and P180(2008 model) without any problem. now the actual thing why P150 and P180 can not overtake UNI? the answer is
The full power of unicorn starts at 5500RPM and in case of P150 its at 6500RPM and unicorn is butter smooth, has no vibration, has no sound at the speed of 105KMs/hr. Pickup is xllent millage is 52 to 54 in city limit what else u can expect from a 150cc bike. Ridding posture is very nice even the pillion can enjoy the journey without any joint pains, . Even a born bady can also corner uni and also stop the bike using hondas properly designed/develpoed breaking.
Ppl in India are having lot of bad and wrong opinion on momoshocks, but its not true the monoshocks in Unicorn comes with 3 settings( hard normal and soft) and gives xllent riding comforts than other bikes on any surface Monoshock gives better and more leaning angle also and maintains stability while breaking at top end speed.
Ppl in India look for resale value, spare part cost and zing pick up, but Unicorn is different and far more advanced, unicorn is not as good as pulsar in case of looks, no digital console, no LED tail Lamp but Unicorn comes with trouble free gear box, butter smooth engine, vibration free machine and resale value is higher than pulsar, I do agree spare parts of handa are costly compared to other makes but my dear friends cost is directly proportional to the quality.
Tips to get xllent smoothness:
Never try to rev too hard until u reach 40-50KM speed, 1s cross this speed then u are king within no time u can see the speedo meter showing 110KM.
Pull each gear (except 1st) til the RPM meter reaches "5" by this u can get very decent 0-60KM pickup.
Tips to get better millage
Never try to overtake any bike in trafic by accelerating it too hard.
Never cross the speed of 70KM/hr.
Dont pull 1st and 2nd gear too long to get initial pick up..
try to get pick up from 4th n 5th gear
get it serviced intime
Dont allow service center ppl to tune millage.
7 Always use same engine oil.
Tips to Stop the bike.
Dont use disk break when the road is wet.
keep the handle bar and front wheel stright when u r using disk at top speed.
use both the breaks at a time
dont ride fast in rain
dont take deep curves in top gear, because in top gear power and rpm will be full sometimes rider may find difficult to control so its safe to use 4th gear for deep curves though ur speed is 70 it doesnt matter its HONDA dont hassitate to come down to 4th after cornering rise the gear to 5th. I feel this is be safe.
Stopping unicorn from top speed to Zero is fun and rding it is heaven. If u are planning to purchase a 150cc bike u can go for unicorn blindly. but give more importance to service cos honda service is not up to the mark but if u stay with the service ppl and give ur feedback through honda website u ll get better response from service ppl.
HH x-treme and Hunk is using same unicorn engine, but slightly tuned for pickup. but am not sure/confident about the controlling/stpping the HH bikes at higher speed.
Today I would not be writting this review if I had any other bike, am alive only cos of my unicorn I could stop my unicorn from 80KM speed just within 4-5 feet distance hence avoiding a horrble accident.
All the Best, Happy and safe riding.