After many roller coaster rides.... after a hell lot of confusion.... after a lot of research n discussions, I had finally bought my bike... my first bike of my own khoon pasine ki kamai!!! Honda Unicorn!!!
When it comes abt a 150 cc bike , obvious comparison is between Unicorn n Pulsar!
I had gone mad wen choosing between these 2! But finally I went for Unicorn!
Ok! now directly coming 2 the point! Why I chose Unicorn?
Lets start with Pulsar backdrops(wat I saw n felt)...
2 of my frends hav pulsar,
the first n major prob with pulsar is engine knocking!
I was riding brand new pulsar of my frend n it was knockin like anything!
2 nd is its very common.
forget abt the techniqualities... coz common man is hardly concerned with
technical specification.... wat he wants is just performance!
Talking abt Unicron.....
The Engine is Maska Smooth! U cant even here the sound untill it goes above 50!
Man it feels really great! U can actually ride ur Unicorn at a speed of 20 on 4th gear also.... without knocking at all!
some may like the rocking firing... actually it depends on choice! but most of u will love it! Wat I believe is empty vessels make more noise!
Riding comfort is amazing!
and stability is also good!
About the monoshocks.... they r equally good... but not something extra ordinary!
its just a point for advertising... I feel!
When I was riding my Unicorn 1st time.... I was just feeling like I am on wings ...really!
I havent done racing on my Unicorn yet.... but I feel it is good for that also!
Some of the probs in previous unicorn are solved according 2 company people.
And about milage.... I am getting around 50km/lt in pune city on crowdy, bad roads! What more u can ask from a 150 cc?
Also if u hav Electric start then it the best! U can start ur bike in any gear! very helpful at traffic signals!
1 thing I didnt like is new graphics on the bike!
it seems like a 100 or 125 cc bike like passion or ambotion!
There are some advantages of pulsar like looks, alloy wheels etc.
But what I feel is u cant compromise quality for looks! n cumon Unicorn is also having sober n cool looks yaar!
All in all, I am fully satisfied with my choice! and riding on my wings... Unicorn!
Come and join me people!