Hello everybody
I read many reviews about Unicorn before buying mine. Even I didn?t take a test ride. I have driven quite a many bikes. Well if you like any bike either just buy it, or if u want to compare it, then after that it wont be perfect. Try any bike none of them is perfect !!!!!
I bought my bike on 14 jan. I have completed 500 kms and its going good. As u all know about the parts and mono suspension.
I?ll to compare it with pulsor (150 ofcourse) and cbz(156). After u?ll see the differences.
Start from the tyres , holds the surface very well even in the wet. The balance is just perfect, like pulsor. Not much difference. Rear tyre is wide enough to grip the road. Now bajaj is giving wider tyre than the earlier one. And also with the alloys bike looks hot !!!
Lights- r pretty cool with unicorn. But a bit hot with pulsor. But if u drive unicorn in dark, if somebody?s coming from the front it can see the way very easily. Otherwise, when our beamer is on, we rarely see anything. In unicorn?s case its very good.
Back light light is very cool of unicorn. It gives a great appearance to the bike just like high powered yamaha and Honda . Better than pulsor.
Tank- both unicorn and pulsor have great tanks. But in unicorns case it doesn?t look heavy until u have a ride. And capacity mentioned by Honda is 13 ltrs. But it gets 17-18 ltrs.
Now if we see the meters. They r very good in both cases. They r 3 in unicorns case, tacho, odo, speedometer. They is some problem in odo meter of unicorn. Servicemen at Honda can operate them well.
Engine - unicorn. Is 149.1 cc. , power - 13.3pa net,
Pulsor is 143 cc ? - 13.2pa max.
But when driving unicorn, it accelerates better than any other bike(fiero is bit close ) in this segment.
Gears r very smooth in case of Honda not with bajaj. That?s how Honda r saying that 0-60 kmph in 5 sec. Not in the case of bajaj(150).
Now one thing, honda?s customer service doesn?t know that is , CDImultimapping.
I asked (even the owner mr. sandeep)them bout that and they said, nothing?s like that in this bike.
As with the Honda, engine is very reliable. Not in the case of bajaj. But if u like pulsor, then just go for it. Even if somebody is most rash driver, engine wont go anywhere for the first 3-4 years. But if u r decent driver, then its great. Power is more in unicorn.
Silencer goes with alloys of pulsor, in the case of unicorn, company says , they have a catalyc convertor. Which needs 91 octane petrol. It stops the pollution.
Seat is very comfortable in the case of unicorn , not with pulsor(not wide enough). And also the suspension of the unicorn is just great. It really delivers. On highways u will feel stiffness after 1 hr drive (pulsor?s). But in the case of unicorn u wont feel it.
But dirt of the tyre comes on the shocker of unicorn. It needs some thing to put on so dirt shouldn?t reach the shocker . it wont affect now. But after some time it can really affect the shockers as I also discussed with the foreman of Honda.
As I have read bad bout the service of Honda, in my case its good till now.
Mileage and cost-
There is not a great difference in the Cost of Honda and pulsor on road. The point, which will take more from ur pocket. It depends on ur driving, fuel, weight of driver and many more technical aspects. Wat bout the mileage of pulsor, cbz and uni. Some of my friends have both cbz and pulsor. Pulsor is delivering 30 to 45kms/ltr, And cbz is giving 25-40kms/ltr. in both city and on highway. But my city is congested one(patiala, punjab). It takes more fuel. Unicorn is giving me 45 kms/ltr in the city(before first service). I haven?t gone anywhere till now(outside my city , haven?t got the registration). And I have heard bout 60 kms/ltr. Before first service. That guy has driven quite a much (more than 1000kms).
I am expecting 60+ 2.
If some body is looking for great power, good mileage, good looks, brand name, and want to have something different in 150 cc segment than unicorn.
If some body want to have good power, low mileage(30-50), great looks. Then go for pulsor or cbz.
I am not finished yet, will write more bout the unicorn and pulsor, and I have a surprise for the guys who luves power more than mileage, may be nobody knows it till now. There?s something new coming??..
editing it on 9th feb-06
well I have driven uni.. for 1 yr. and its going strong.
as no bike can be perfect, so it does have few problems as I ll discuss in detail with u guys. I think as I have pursors annual report, it is giving few problems , but it is not seems to be happening in each case. so I am looking forward for every bikes report.