This is my first review personally and about my new Honda Unicorn.I bought this byk on 6th September, 08 after a long waiting of 2 months exactly, this is not a fault with dealer or Honda but I was looking for good dates.And I need to thank Shilesh Baliga Owner of Silicon Honda, Bangalore and his staff for good response everytime I called them.
Coming to the point I am very much satisfied with this byk and with its performance and milage.Even I will feel more comfortable while riding.But some times I feel that Mono Shock is doing good only for the driver but not to Pillion.
This thing was observed by my dad when he was sitting back.He suggested me not take long drives as it may lead to back pain and all.Comming to milage point of view I got more then 50Kmpl even before my first servicing. And the smoothness of the byk was increasing day by day.But be sure to do the first servicing with in 600 kms.
Bcoz I observed that after I crossed 600 kms all the things were bit worse as they need some servicing even I can observe some difference in sound today, I understand that this is bcoz of our usage as it is new to roads it needs some attention so quickly.And for your information I havent crossed 50 Kmph as of today as this was suggested by Honda not to exceed 50 Kmph untill the Speedo tickels 1000 Kms.I think just bcoz of this I got this much good milage and performance even before first servicing.Gear shifting is too good even we dont feel uneasy to shift gears frequently, In some byks I use to face this problem while shuffeling the gears it will give us a odd noise and strucks.And the balancing is also too good.
Advantages I feel:
1) Firstly the height of the byk as I am 6.2.This is the only byk which suits for me.
2) Mono Shock which acts as an excellent shock resistant.As a driver I feel more comfortable with Mono Shock.But need to check the same as a Pillion as suggested by my dad.
3) Design of the byk is simply superb as it is designed by Dept of Ergonomics( this was stated by silicon honda rep) .We dont feel any type of body pains while driving the byk especially hands.
Disadvantages I feel:
1) Digital Speedo even it is not that much important we feel guilty when we see pulsar or apache in the same segment with that.
2) I observed that each and every button of pulsar have a small light to recognise, I expect the same in Unicorn.
Summary: I feel that this is the only best byk in its segment eventhough we are lacking with style in Unicorn we have an excelent features compared to other in the same segment.
I will be posting a new updates after my first servicing with its experience.Keep in touch.Bye