I took my friends spanking new Unicorn for a spin, and as a Unicorn owner for the last 2 years, I couldnt help but notice the improvements that Honda has made in this edition of the bike.
Most importantly, Honda has reinforced the support for the front fairing and Im sure that this will reduce rattling issues with the fairing. My biggest complaint with my bike is that the fairing makes more noise than the engine!
Fuel lid no longer comes off fully when you open it - this makes refuelling a bit easier as you dont have to keep holding the fuel cap as petrol is being filled.
Trip meter added - good for those mileage calculations.
Still miss:
Better headlights to suit Indian conditions - I read in the manual that the level of the headlight is adjustable, but I havent tried it yet.
Engine kill switch
Overall, it looks like Honda listened to the suggestions/complaints of existing customers and made some changes in the new model - thats good to see!