Readers its news about New Unicorn(not a review),
"Hondas solo run in the Indian two-wheeler market has lagged its joint venture Hero Honda. So it has got a couple of motorcycles and a plan up its sleeve, reports CNBC-TV18.
Honda may not be happy with the performance of its motorcycles - the 150cc Unicorn and Shine. Thats why its planning a revamp. Sources say Honda will redesign and launch them in April with heftier price tags.
When Honda launched the Unicorn, its first motorcycle in India, in November 2004, many saw it as a possible threat to Bajaj Pulsar, which leads the 150cc segment. But it was no threat. Hondas next launch in 2006, the 125cc Shine, could not outshine competition, either. Now Honda expects things to change with its new launches, with which it will also boost production capacity.
It will spend about Rs300 crore by 2010 to increase output to optimum capacity of 1.2 million units. Besides, sources say Honda also plans to import the CBR 600 - thats to showcase its sporty side. It hopes all this will enhance its brands"
So 150cc space will be in future filled with Unicorn & Xtreme and to some extent the refreshed Achiever! Dont Buy Flawed bikes from Bajaj n TVS(both are un-reliable and has flawed technologies embedded in it) -go for the BEST go for "HONDA".
And Good news for rich kiddos! CBR 600 will hit market soon!
Ilyas Mohammed