Dear friends, I have recently got my new unicorn. I love travelling and already have purchased detailed maps to chalk out travel routes. hence I have all the doubts coming up. I had used my friends bike for one month and thats how I fell in love with the bike. the low sound of engine is really soothing and I feel less tired on long trips. looks of new unicorn is just excellent especially in red. I think pulsar and unicorn are made for two different species and cant be or shouldnt be compared. I am not all that happy with the front head light distribution. its really low compared to other bikes.
Now before going long trips I needed to clarify below mentioned doubts.... pls help....
how long can I travel on my new bike without stopping, and how long should be the resting interval.
my dealer is saying that all branded petrols like xtrapremium and speed are damaging the unicron engines. hence they strictly asked me not to use it. whats ur experience ??
I took the speed to maximum of 70, can this damage new engine ? if yes whats the remedy ??
while riding I can hear some low crackling sound from bottom of engine.... whats this ??
can head light be adjusted/ improved ??
6. difficulty in gear shifting while riding at low speeds(20-30)... why this happens...??