Now what shall I say of Unicorn? I waited and waited and waited for the launch and ultimately I got my lovely silver unicorn. First impression :- the best in looks, engine :- smoothest in any class, Pickup:-as good as my pulsar 180 dtsi.
Boys I tell you, go for this bike. Even all you passion/splendour/glx/fazer/pulsar probables. (am not including Graptor cause, Honestly, Graptor has a better gear shift and is as smooth as my unicorn.
This bike really flies and when on its side stands, theres a MELA arround it. Great poise, great stance superb agronomics. I desperately feel I should have been a king of verses to write this review.
However nothing good comes without its own glitches, and here its the horrible dealership. No accessories, not even the number plate. Its already three days I got my bike but the sale letter and invoice + insurance is yet to be obtained. Dont know about the servicing standards yet, but the ladies at the dealership do not seem friendly for sure. Am afraid if its another Fiat in the making.
Still I advice go for the UNICORN for sheer driving pleasure.