Ok agreed… Unicorn is a good bike... if not the BEST in its category… But why don’t we back it up with some hardcore day to day statistics…
I’ll begin with my Unicorn...
Age: 5 months
Driven: 3000+ km
Visit to Service center: None (Apart for the free regular services)
Mileage (city): 57.5 kmpl Regular Unleaded Petrol (Pune.. real heavy stop & go traffic)
Mileage (highway): Didn’t check yet :(
Longest continuous drive: 350 km (including steep Ghats/hilly region)
Problems faced: Cold start problem. Bike refuses to pickup for the first 500 meters in cold start, have to use choke for pickup.
Tips: Adjust your monoshokz properly to avoid bumpy ride for the pillion rider.
Note: This is my first bike. I used to drive Kinetic before.
Look forward to hear the statistics of your beauty!
Drive Safe & Happy Winged Riding!