Hello Readers, you should have learnt many things about the Unicorn in the previous reviews and from the websites. Let me tell u how it feels right away... For the people who prefer the loud roaring noise from bikes (egs. RX 100, or even Pulsar) will defenitely not prefer Unicorn, because its noiseless , defenitely it is an advantage while going for long rides and riding in tight city traffic. But will u not prefer buying a bike that makes a vroooom sound when u kick it ... anyway it is really amazing to see a bike so silent .. it will be pleasure riding it all day.
The Handling and the riding position is also terrific... I should say about the Kick start in the bike.. many people complain about the bike not having a electric start....but please kick it to belive it, its so smooth , defenitely pulsar is nowhere near to the Unicorns kick start, but an electric start would have been defenitely an added advantage..
The styling of the bike reminds me of every other bike that I see in todays roads, its a mixture of all, but finally they have brought out something that is good, but Honda could have done it better..
If I dont mention about the Monoshocks , I am doing injustice to my review, belive me , its going to be revolution in indian motorcycle, I could not belive when the bike handled those big potholes with such a great ease,
Finally, for Die Hard Pulsar Fans, Pulsar is not going to die. For Honda fans, keep ur fingers crossed, u just need 2 runs to win from 1 ball.