I was looking to buy a 150CC bike and test rode Unicorn, CBZ Extreme, Pulsar , Apache RTR
Pulsar and RTR were uncomfortable to ride due to bad seating & gear postion and CBZ with Toe shift (also RTR) is not comfortable for city riding. I dont know why these bikes come with useless "TOE SHIFT GEAR" . They are not suited for fast gear changes required in City riding condition and also spoils the Shoe.
Of all the bikes I felt most comfortable in Unicorn mainly due to the seating & gear position and "TOE & HEEL SHIFT".I finally decided to buy the Unicorn.
But the bad luck is when I went to book this bike they showed a "NEW" Unicorn with some stickering & coloring job and a "TOE SHIFT GEAR""and increased price (+Rs.2400) from their April price. Also the Tamilnadu Govt has done its bit and increased RTO charges by another Rs.1600/- So totally the price of the bike has increased by Rs.4000/- in a month.
But later the mechanic informed that we can replace this useless "TOE SHIFT" with old "TOE & HEEL SHIFT" (+Rs.200)
I dont know why these companies work like this. In my view "TOE & HEEL SHIFT" must be standard and "TOE SHIFT" can be given as option for those who want it.
After booking there is a waiting time for 3 weeks. The Dealer "DIDAR MOTORS" is a like a Govt. Department. Absolutely bad response even to deliver the bike after waiting for 3 weeks.
They asked me to make the payment (Which I did)on 10th June and promised delivery on 12th.They also "ALLOTTED" a bike in my name and took it inside(I thought..) to make it ready for delivery.
On 12th they told the delivery is possible only on 13th and asked me to come on at 5PM on 13th.
When I went "DIDAR MOTORS" at 4.45PM eagerly to get the delivery they asked me to wait for nearly 1 hour to give me the "GATE PASS". I thought it is over now and I take the delivery now but not yet...
When I went to the delivery room which is in the next road the bike alloted to me was lying as it had arrived from the factory.
The Battery , Crash Gaurd , Mirrors etc had to be fitted. It took another 1-1/2 hours to make that ready and finally "DELIVERED" at 7.15PM
So much for their excellent delivery. I dont know what kind of "AFTER SALES SERVICE" these people are going to provide