I normally change my bike once in 18 months & the last of my 6 bikes were Pulsars right from the UG1 - UG4, 180 & the 220 & I had no major complaint with all the 6 bikes. Recently, due to the doctors advice, I was compelled to go in for a lighter bike & hence I chose a Unicorn CB. I also own a CBR250 which I drive occasionally.
I find that the performance of the Unicorn be it pick up, braking, ride quality & handling is no where near the Pulsars. However, I find that the mileage maybe 5% better & this is also inconsistent on the Unicorn. Since I have not had a service done, I am not able to comment.
I had longed to buy a Honda for a long time & when I buy the Unicorn now, I am not happy with the decision. Happy biking.