The new unicorn is here.upgraded looks and added features
With all bikes in premium segment boasting of new features and looks, Honda couldnt afford to continue with its conventional look and not upgrading Unicorn could have been fatal to business.
So new look unicorn boasts of a set of features borrowed from other biks
Primary improvements are:
Introduction of black alloy wheels, aircraft style fuel tank cap, black coated disc rotor with gold coloured calipper, clear lense indicator and new graphics. The front look is now similar to HH CBZ extreme, except for protruding indicators.(May be in next upgrade theyll introduce LED tail lamps, digital speedo console and other features by which time Bajaj and HH would have come up with several new features)
Unicorns legendary mono suspension and smooth performing and reliable engine will continue to be the primary reasons why people would buy Unicorn because other fancy features explained above are introduced too late to grab any attention, because rest of the competition has implemented these features long long back.
Buy what I find missing in Unicorn in the handlebar balancer.
*What is this handlebar balancer?
*Handlebar balancer is the extended portion of the handle bar. It is a heavy weight piece fixed at both extremes of handlebar. All other bikes, pulsar, apache, discover, CBZ have this
*What purpose does it server?
*Having a Handlebar balancer in your bike gives following advantages
Should the vehicle fall on this side, the handle bar balancer absorbs the impact and prevents damage which otherwise might have happened to your hand, throttle or other parts
While driving, your hand will be on throttle while handlebar balancer extends outside under your hand. In the event of another vehicle coming very close to your bike(by its side, say while overtaking) and screetching, your hand will be protected while handlebar balancer absorbs most of the impact
These are the two reasons I prefer handlebar balancer. They are just a piece of heavy metal and do not cost more than hundred bucks in production. Still they provide good value addition to your bike.
But Honda unicorn desparately misses this and Im wondering why Honda engineers are not thinking of this feature
Competitively priced and mileage is good. So you are unlikely to regret your decision if you buy.