*I Bought my CB unicorn on September 31 2012.
Very happy day to remember but the jerking problem was there I was tired for a long time with no result well sharing what I did after 6 months with 6100 km on the odo.
If you or anyone known to you is having the same problem please do the needfull and I am sure your problem will be solved just like mine.
Finally I solved my own problem. and for everyone too who are facing this problem to the extent I solved not only mine but 2 more riders who were present there and they had the same thing.
in my case I had purchase 2 ltr of petrol in a bottle as my plans was something really aggressive. (not to burn) dont worry.
Anyways coming back to the topic. I drained my reserve tank completely, then got the tank all cleaned and everything. Then the carborator was opened and cleaned properly and fitted back.
now comes something which I was set back when I saw. While we were fitting the tank back I told him dont remove the fuel tap (on & off) and clean that too when he opened that I was shocked to see it had dirt and what not inside I guess that was the whole problem then at the end of the day it was cleaned and everything was set and done.
poured my 2ltr and when I went out of the showroom to my surprise there was absolutely no jerks present I am sorry for what I had said yes there was a problem which was not getting resolved so bad words do come after all it is a hard earned money here not a waist money.
anyways next morning started with a choke in one crank she was lightened after 2 km with choke and 3 km without it everything was smooth ones she was hot and ready to hit the roads.
absolutely no problem rather I am enjoying my ride since I was using ngk g power hence the bike is more smooth than ever.
For the other 2 bikes just got there fuel taps opened and they were also having all sorts of dirts and what not it was cleaned and they were happy too.